Spinner Target Frame For Target Practice
Spinner Target Frame For Target Practice
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Spinner Target Frame For Target Practice
Spinner Target Frame For Target Practice
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Spinner Target Frame For Target Practice

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Spinner Target Frame For Target Practice

  • Weight: 355g
  • Frame Size: Height 30cm × Width 17cm
  • Side of spinner target: Diameter 4cm/4.5cm
  • Material: Steel

There is no easy way around it. We have all been there. The only way to be a true sniper is by grit and pure shear practice. This spinner target frame quick spin and loud “SMACK” replicate a real-life object on the move. Target practice is the best way to get equipped with your slingshot and the range that it is capable to shoot. Comes in various sizes with easy installation makes it the perfect practice equipment to bring anywhere and everywhere. Sharpen your skills with our spinner target frame.

Package includes

  • Spinner Target Frame: 1 piece

Designed for the best shooting experience

Snipersling offers a wide range of high-quality slingshots and related accessories in various designs. Our team is made up of slingshot enthusiasts. We source, design, and make the best ones for shooters worldwide.

By shooters, for shooters. We know what shooters need.

Snipersling Team