Snipersling rubber band
Snipersling Super Fast Slingshot Flat Rubber Band For Slingshot shooting (200cm×15cm Rolls)
Snipersling rubber band
Snipersling rubber band
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Snipersling rubber band
Snipersling Super Fast Slingshot Flat Rubber Band For Slingshot shooting (200cm×15cm Rolls)
Snipersling rubber band
Snipersling rubber band
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Snipersling Super Fast Slingshot Flat Rubber Band For Slingshot shooting (200cm×15cm Rolls)

It might be the best latex you could find in the market at the lowest cost

48 sold

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UK: Wasp Slingshots:

Germany: Schleudershop:

It might be the best latex you could find in the market at the lowest cost!

We've been searching for the perfect latex for slingshot shooting from the very beginning, after testing loads of samples from the different factories we finally get the right ones and we decided to introduce you guys!  It has a very good elongation of 1:6.5, which means really good elasticity, it draws light but the test result shows its speed is 5% higher than popular brands in the market. And the service life is also impressive. Give it a shoot!

  • Brand: Snipersling
  • Size: 200cm × 15cm/Roll
  • Color: Balana yellow
  • Working temperature: 0℃-40℃

Package includes:

  • Snipersling Latex Band: 1 roll (200cm×15cm)

How to store the latex?

When you don't use them please seal them and lay them in a shady place,it can last 2-3 years and stay in good condition if you store them right.

Designed for the best shooting experience

Snipersling offers a wide range of high-quality slingshots and related accessories in various designs. Our team is made up of slingshot enthusiasts. We source, design, and make the best ones for shooters worldwide.

By shooters, for shooters. We know what shooters need.

Snipersling Team